Проведены исследования содержания незамерзшей воды и теплофизических параметров песчаных и глинистых грунтов при циклическом замораживании–оттаивании. Рассчитаны истинная удельная теплоемкость, кажущаяся удельная теплоемкость и теплопроводность мерзлого грунта. Проанализированы гистерезисное поведение незамерзшей воды и зависимость теплофизических параметров мерзлого грунта от температуры, а также истории её изменения.
V.V. Mestnikov, I.V. Mestnikova and V.V. Mestnikov, “Numerical Analysis of the Stress-Strain State of a Combined Pile in Permafrost Soils,” Soil Mech Found Eng, 60, 209–215 (2023).
Z. Chen, Y. Feng, X. Zhang, X. Guo, L. Shao, S. Li, X. Tian and L. Gao, “Similarity criterion for the nonlinear thermal analysis of soil freezing process: Considering the dual effect of nonlinear thermal parameters and boundary conditions,” ACTA GEOTECH, 17, 5709–5719 (2022).
P. Nikolaev, M. Sedighi, H. Rajabi, and A. Pankratenko, “Artificial ground freezing by solid carbon dioxide - Analysis of thermal performance,” TUNN UNDERGR SP TECH, 130, 104741 (2022).
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J. Zhang, W. Zhou and Z. Meng, “Deformation of thawed surrounding rock during tunneling in permafrost,” Soil Mech Found Eng, 59, 565–575 (2023).
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X. Zhao, G. Zhou, and X. Jiang, “Measurement of thermal conductivity for frozen soil at temperatures close to 0℃,” Measurement, 134, 504–510 (2019).
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X. Liu, H. Zhu, J. Wang, J. Li, J. Wang, D. Cao and B. Shi, “Experimental study on actively heated fiber Bragg grating method for sensing seepage in unsaturated soils,” Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 44, 8, 1443-1452 (2022).
Y. Kojima, Y. Nakano, C. Kato, K. Noborio, K. Kamiya and R. Horton, “A new thermo-time domain reflectometry approach to quantify soil ice content at temperatures near the freezing point,” COLD REG SCI TECHNOL, 174, 103060 (2020).
J. Kou, X. Ma, J. Teng, S. Zhang and X. Li, “Hysteresis effect of unfrozen water content in soil based on pore structure,” China Journal of Highway and Transport, 33, 9, 115-125 (2020).
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JH. Kupfernagel, JC. Hesse, M. Schedel, B. Welsch, H. Anbergen, L. Muller and I. Sass, “Impact of operational temperature changes and freeze-thaw cycles on the hydraulic conductivity of borehole heat exchangers,” GEOTHERM ENERGY, 9, 1, 24 (2021).
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Z. Chen, X. Guo, L. Shao, X. Wang and S. Li, “Calorimetry of a multicomponent system for the analysis of frozen soil specific heat test considering the effect of latent heat,” EURASIAN SOIL SCI, 53(2), 207-214 (2020).
A. Hamid, W.M. Hamid and A.M. Alnuaim, Factors Affecting Energy Pile Efficiency, Soil Mech Found Eng, 58, 302-307 (2021).
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