По результатам проведенных натурных испытаний склона, укрепленного моделью гравитационной подпорной стены, было установлено, что методика преобразования Hilbert’a-Huang’a хорошо коррелирует с результатами предыдущих изысканий по восприятию динамических нагрузок откосами, укрепленными гравитационными подпорными стенами. С использованием теории предельного спектра был изучен метод энергетической идентификации режима динамического разрушения откоса. Результаты предложенного подхода сопоставлены с результатами теста на вибростенде и обнаружено хорошее соответствие.
Полный текст статьи публикуется в английской версии журнала
«Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering” vol.58, No.5
J. J. Zhang, H. L. Qu, Y. Liao and Y. X. Ma, “Seismic damage of earth structures of road engineering in the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake,” Environ Earth Sci., 65 (4), 987-993 (2012).
A. Sadrekarimi, “Seismic Distress of Broken-Back Gravity Retaining Walls,” J Geotech Geoenviron., 143 (4): 04016118 (2017).
A. C. Trandafir, T. Kamai and R. C. Sidle, “Earthquake-induced displacements of gravity retaining walls and anchor-reinforced slopes,” Soil Dyn Earthq Eng., 29 (3), 428-437 (2009).
R. Richards and D. G. Elms, “Seismic behavior of gravity retaining walls,” J Geotech Geoenviron., 105 (4), 449-464 (1979).
H. L. Qu, H. Luo, H. G. Hu, H. Y. Jia and D. Y. Zhang, “Dynamic response of anchored sheet pile wall under ground motion: Analytical model with experimental validation,” Soil Dyn Earthq Eng., 115, 896-906 (2017b).
A. Pain, D. Choudhury and S. K. Bhattacharyya, “Seismic rotational stability of gravity retaining walls by modified pseudo-dynamic method,” Soil Dyn Earthq Eng., 94, 244-253 (2017).
X. Li, Y. Wu and S. He, “Seismic stability analysis of gravity retaining walls,” Soil Dyn Earthq Eng., 30 (10), 875-878 (2010).
Y. L. Lin, G. L. Yang, X. Yang, L. H. Zhao, Q. Shen and M. M. Qiu, “Response of gravity retaining wall with anchoring frame beam supporting a steep rock slope subjected to earthquake loading,” Soil Dyn Earthq Eng., 92, 633-649 (2017).
I. Bellezza, “A new pseudo-dynamic approach for seismic active soil thrust,” Geotech Geol Eng., 32 (2), 561-576 (2014).
D. Choudhury, A. D. Katdare and A. Pain, “New method to compute seismic active earth pressure on retaining wall considering seismic waves,” Geotech Geol Eng., 32 (2), 391-402 (2014).
G. Fan, J. J. Zhang, J. B. Wu and K. M. Yan, “Dynamic response and dynamic failure mode of a weak intercalated rock slope using a shaking table,” Rock Mech Rock Eng., 49 (8), 1-14 (2016).
N. Roveri and A. Carcaterra, “Damage detection in structures under traveling loads by Hilbert–Huang transform,” Mech Syst Signal Pr., 28 (2), 128-144 (2012).
G. G. Amiri and E. Darvishan, “Damage detection of moment frames using ensemble Empirical Mode Decomposition and clustering techniques,” KSCE J Civ Eng., 19 (5), 1302-1311 (2015).
N. E. Huang, Z. Shen, S. R. Long, M. C. Wu, H. H. Shih, Q. Zheng, N. C. Yen, C. C. Tung and H. H. Liu, “The empirical mode decomposition and the Hilbert spectrum for nonlinear and non-stationary time series analysis,” P Roy Soc A-math Phy., 454 (1971), 903-995 (1998).
N. E. Huang, M. L. Wu, W. D. Qu, S. R. Long, S. S. P. Shen and J. E. Zhang, “Application of Hilbert-Huang transform to non-stationary financial time series analysis,” Appl Stoch Model Bus., 19 (3), 245-268 (2003).
C. W. Yang, J. J. Zhang, H. L. Qu, J. W. Bi and F. C. Liu, “Seismic earth pressures of retaining wall from large shaking table tests,” Adv Mater Sci Eng., 2015 (3), 1-8 (2015).
H. L. Qu, Y. Liu, H. Luo, H. G. Hu and Q. D. Hu, “Seismic Response Characteristics of Stabilizing Pile Based on Elastic-Plastic Analysis,” Shock Vib., 2018, 1-15 (2018).
J. B. Zhu and J. Zhao, “Obliquely incident wave propagation across rock joints with virtual wave source method,” J Appl Geophys., 88, 23-30 (2013).
H. L. Qu, H. Luo, L. Liu and Y. Liu, “Analysis of dynamic coupling characteristics of the slope reinforced by sheet pile wall,” Shock Vib., 2017, 1-10 (2017a).
Y. L. Lin, W. M. Leng, G. L. Yang, L. Li and J. S. Yang, “Seismic response of embankment slopes with different reinforcing measures in shaking table tests,” Nat Hazards., 76 (2), 791-810 (2015).
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