Исследование влияния загрязнения нефтью песчаного и гипсосодержащего грунтов на прочность
The aim of this research is to ascertain the effect of different percentages of crude oil pollution on soil geotechnical properties and the influence of the soil characteristics on these effects. Most of the south of Iraq areas is polluted by oil due to the oil exploitation, damaged storage tanks and pipelines, and oil spills. This research has been carried out by considering sandy and gypseous soil. The procedure of this research was done by adding different percentages of crude oil with 4, 8, 12, and 16% of soil specimens. Tests were conducted for routine soil test and laboratory model to calculate the vertical displacement (settlement) for both soils. The result shows that the moisture content required to achieve maximum dry density had decreased when the oil content increased in the contaminated soil as well as the liquidity and specific gravity for both sandy and gypseous soils. Also, this research revealed that the crude oil has a significant effect on the internal friction of the sandy soil with respect to increasing the crude oil percentages, while it increases the cohesion of the sand. The consolidation of the gypseous soil indicates that the consolidation, compression, and swelling indices were increased when the soil is soaked in oil. While the void ratio and hydraulic conductivity were reduced. Regarding the results of the vertical displacement (settlement), the research indicated it is increasing for sandy soil by adding crude oil percentages 24, 14.5, and 59.5 % for 8, 12, and 16% crude oil respectively. Moreover, the settlement in the gypseous soil has significant increases for the added percentages about 56.5, 64.5, and 58% for added crude oil by 4, 8, and 12% respectively.
Показано влияние степени нефтяного загрязнения на геотехнические свойства грунтов. Результаты показали, что содержание влаги, необходимое для достижения максимальной плотности грунта в сухом состоянии, уменьшалось при увеличении содержания нефти в грунте, так же как показатели текучести и удельной плотности песчаного и гипсосодержащего грунтов. При увеличении процентного содержания нефти угол внутреннего трения песчаного грунта уменьшается, а связность увеличивается. Для гипсосодержащего грунта показатели консолидации, сжимаемость и набухание увеличиваются при пропитывании грунта нефтью, в то время как приведенная пористость и гидравлическая проводимость уменьшаются.
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